Dhadaar Village located in Qanadal District of Bari Region which lies 350 km from the east of Bosaso. The village has potential rangelands which support the livelihood of the population living in the area. The target community has initiated an idea that they address some of these problems by surveying and identifying areas that could be improved to community stability and land value the delay protection of gully erosion causes serious situation faced that community. An area of 1km long70 feet wide and 18 feet deep at this location east and west of DHADAAR, To decrease the high spreading of gullies erosion due to waterfalls usually creates livestock in the grassroots community dwelling in Qandala District , TSS has carried out assessment to identify the perfect way to control gully dhadaar, and after has consulted the local authority , local elders, and important members of community such as respected religious groups and clan chiefs in the area of the district , all have deferred to control gully towards the DHADAAR in their village areas by following reasons.
Before gully controlled After TSS blocked the gully
Let us make for Puntland through our combined efforts green, only TSS can bridge the gap.