TSS’s main activity is the deliverance of humanitarian aid through Programme activities in the field. TSS specializes in five programme areas, or core competences – Education, Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Environmental rehabilitation, Community advocacy & protection. The core competences are adaptive to different contexts and mutually reinforcing..
The current operational coverage of (TSS) is Bari region- Puntland state but it will expand its development services and institutional activities in other parts of Somalia
Cooperation Association for social services aimed at consolidating the principle of social solidarity among members of society, and turning it into a practical reality through the work of the following: –
- Facilitation is our main objective to serve donors to reach final point at community, to get productive projects and useful consultation.
- To empower youths organizations and individuals through capacity building and look for suitable chance of job creation and join them to the exits industries.
- Empower women groups and individuals and suited them how could increase for their participation in public policy ceremonies,
- To build the capacity of women in areas of job creation and having for their special belongings.
- The establishment of charitable funds and encouraging individuals, institutions, public and private sectors including women and youth groups to contribute.
- Compilation of individual efforts in the form of charitable collective to back more useful and meaningful members of society.
- Spread the spirit of cooperation, love and social solidarity and family cohesion among members of the community.
- Dissemination of health and environmental awareness among the citizens.
- Engage with NGOs and governmental organizations in assisting victims of public disasters.
- Building dams, digging and surface wells.
- Support the educational movement
- Establishing seasonal charity projects (school bag, giving iftaar during fasting, Zakat al-Fitr,Eid Gifts) and charity ongoing and forwarded to the destination desired by the funders
- Gathering alms and charities and distribute to the needy
- To contribute towards attaining basic health services for the society
- To contribute towards attaining quality education for all the Somali youth and children
- To instigate awareness campaigns on issues that can bring about social, cultural, economic and environmental negative impacts.
- To contribute to reduction and elimination of social disintegration factors. E.g. violence, corruption, discrimination and exclusion of vulnerable groups, and ensure equal opportunities and participation for all Somalis.